In response to “A Journey by Stages,” the re-opening document issued by our Diocese, we have formed a Re-Gathering Task Force to review the guidelines and make recommendations to the Vestry. The Vestry met on August 11th, 2020 and approved the following "Re-Opening Plan." This plan has been approved by Bishop Gates. We now anticipated a limited re-opening of the church building on September 13th. We plan to keep the initial numbers at 25 total gathered and will adjust as the Corona Virus becomes under control. The health and well-being of all our parishioners continues to be our primary concern.
The majority of our parishioners indicated that they will continue worshiping at home through FaceBook, YouTube and our presence on CableTV. We plan on doing this permanently as our outreach has increased far beyond our parish boundaries. We encourage those at increased risk to continue to worship from home.
At the same time, some members are anxious to be physically present in the church building, even in a limited way. I certainly miss seeing everyone on Sunday and welcome their presence. But we will move slowly and carefully.
While we are all anxious to re-open, the well-being of our parishioners is our first priority. I believe the approved plans meet the current needs of our parish. Thank you for participating in this process and for your continued prayers for Good Shepherd. If you have any questions, please reach out to any of the Task Force Members:
Rev. Brian Raiche; Rev. Pete Jeffrey; Jane Farrar (Senior Warden); Bob Newton (Jr. Warden); Alice Hannon (Music Director); Spencer Dalby (Vestry); Nancy Fraser, Barbara Luddy (Vestry); Kim Manzelli; Ted and Nancy Smethurst, Joyce Witham (Vestry).