Welcome to Church of the Good Shepherd in Reading, Massachusetts!We are a warm multi-generational church that has served our community for over 100 years.
Sunday Holy Eucharist - 10AM - Rite II Sunday Bulletin:
Holiday Gift DriveThe Community Outreach Committee is working with The Community Giving Tree of Lawrence this year for our holiday gift drive. We will be collecting gifts for children and teens through December 8th. The gifts should be unwrapped and brought to the lounge. See below for a list of recommended items.
E-NewsMusic reprinted with permission. OneLicense #A-726512. Permission to podcast/stream the music in this service obtained from One License with license #A-726512.
Watch OnlineEach week, our Sunday service streams live on our Facebook page here. (You do not need a Facebook account to watch.)
Services are also uploaded weekly to our YouTube Channel. FALL-iday Fair 2024!Good Shepherd on Local TVOur Sunday service is aired on community media channels in Reading, North Reading and Wilmington: